Cleaned up global styles, removed unused styles and utilities, made a bunch of subtle improvements.
Bug fixes #
- Remove unused gap utility.
- Remove unused fonts.
- Add missing font weight to h1-h3.
- Reverse sidebar composition sticky element for direction right-to-left.
- Reveal hidden heading anchors for h5 and h6 on hover and focus.
- Add missing
vendor prefix for text size adjust on<html>
e lement. - Improve blockquote comment to better explain the CSS.
- Add default button focus color as configurable custom variable which overides global style.
Improvements #
- Add util for border top, then add to footer to improve spacing on demo site.
- Change all instances of framework in content to boilerplate to better describe the nature of cu.
- Add balance text wrap for more balanced headings.
- Highlight inline code example in documentation for better clarity on what it does.
- Add box decoration break to carry over padding when
b reaks multiple lines. - Only apply
styles ifpre:has(code)
. - Remove default indent from lists for clean left-aligned content.
- Make focus configurable and change default outline to